
Author: Paweł Butwiłowski | Publish date: 10 January 2019


10 January 2019, Author: Paweł Butwiłowski

Miejski Ośrodek Pomocy Społecznej in 2019 year will continue the service "TELEOPIEKUŃCZE" for persons over 60 years of age living in our city. project in the year 2019 will be carried out from its own resources of the municipal social welfare centre. Cost of service teleopiekuńczych is ok. 7 000 $ a year.

Recipients of teleopiekuńczych services will be residents of Elk above 60 years of age, both women and men, in particular, single people and sick. Teleopiekuńcze service will be directed to persons whose health or life can be really threatened, and they are not able to call for help in a traditional way.

One of the conditions for joining the program is having a non-proprietary and non-locked no mobile or landline.

The goal of the program is to provide 24-hour on-call emergency Center Emergency and its readiness to perform the outsourced procedures after receiving a signal from a person covered by teleopiekuńczymi services through the "red button emergency".

Emergency Center of Emergency caused alarm and the problem will notify one of the people to the contact indicated in the information document, and, if necessary, calls an ambulance and (or) Police and (or) Fire Department under the recipient's address services teleopiekuńczych.

Detailed information, please contact staff of the urban social welfare centre in Elk, ul. Piłsudski 8, 87 732 67 18, 87 732 67 28 or 87 732 65 40.
