
From 07 December 2018 | Hour: 18:15 To 07 December 2018 | Hour: 20:15 | Place: Ełk
Nordic Walking-recreation in harmony with nature
Date: 07-12-2018 - 07-12-2018 | Hour: 18:15
Place: Ełk
Organiser: Centrum Edukacji Ekologicznej w Ełku, Nordic Walking-owy Ełk, Polskie Stowarzyszenie Nordic Walking
Tickets: Bezpłatnie

Society for local history and active tourism with environmental education Center

Nordic Walking-Elk serve

New year's Eve March of Nordic Walking.


December 31, 2018.

H. 10.00-14.00

Start: parking in front of the CEE


The March will lead instructor Nordic Walking-Alice Tracichleb-Salik.


Free of charge.


We recommend that you adjust the clothes to the prevailing weather conditions, removal of the warm drink for the duration of the walk.

Allows changing the meeting place-the information will be published at the latest on the eve of the activities on the Facebook page "Nordic-Elk".


Is the opportunity to learn proper walking and ski poles rental

(after casting-694 219 128)


Our partner is the Polish Association of Nordic Walking.


We grant the provincial Fund for environmental protection and water management in Olsztyn


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