
Author: Mariusz Jarząbek | Publish date: 02 October 2018

Day Of Solidarity Between Generations

02 October 2018, Author: Mariusz Jarząbek

The Mayor of Elk Tomasz Andrukiewicz this Friday (October 5) serves residents in day of solidarity between generations "Poland Independent", within the framework of the 100. anniversary of independence by Poland. The event will take place in the garden by the Senior Club, starting at 8:00 pm. 11:00. Participation is free.

on October 5, will take place at the celebration of the day of solidarity between generations "Poland Independent." The main goal of the meeting is to build dialogue and cooperation between the generations. The event will bring together children, youth, seniors, and students from and LO in Elk and SP # 2 in Elk.

Starting at 8:00 pm. 11:00 in the garden by the Senior Club, at ul. Piłsudski 10. Participation is free of charge.

During the celebration of the planned artistic performances, animations, and fun, sing-along, shared dancing Polonaise and refreshments.
