
Author: Agata Szostak | Publish date: 12 February 2019

The first birthday of the Club.

12 February 2019, Author: Agata Szostak

Ełcki "seniors Club" celebrated its first birthday. The activity of the Club is to support the elderly 60 + in their daily functioning. The facility was established with funding from the Ministry of family, work and social policy.

January 30, 2018 year its activities began "seniors Club" acting as part of the "Senior" Urban social welfare centre. Anniversary celebration took place on Tuesday 12 February. The birthday cake was invited, among other things: President Elk Tomasz Andrukiewicz and Club members.

One of the prepared attractions was artistic children from primary school No. 4. Prof. epipogium in Elk and recitation of poems by seniors. On the watch music Daniel Szejda.

The Club's beginnings were not easy, little interest on the part of ełczan, shyness to such type of connecting to knowledge and activities. Today the Club has about 20 regular members, who actively participate in organized activities and cultural events.

General assumptions of the Club is tackling the isolation of older residents of our city, and aid in their daily operation, as well as motivating seniors to action for self-help and volounteering activities for the benefit of others. With activities in the Club can use primarily non-active residents of Elk above 60 years, including people with disabilities.

Seniors Club "Senior" in Elk was established with funding from the Ministry of family, work and social policy on the establishment and equipment of the facility as part of the multiannual programme "SENIOR +" for the years 2015-2020, 2017 Edition. The value of the project is 150 k. zł, including funding in the amount of 120 thousand. zł.

The running of the Club takes care of the Municipal social welfare Center in Elk. Senior Club located at Piłsudskiego 10 (so-called. "Palace"), the facility is open from Monday to Friday from: 8-16. For more information, (seniors Club, ul. Piłsudski 10, 19-300 Elk, 87 732 64 96).
