
Author: Paweł Butwiłowski | Publish date: 01 April 2019

Subsequent artists received scholarships

01 April 2019, Author: Paweł Butwiłowski

The President of the Elk today handed the two another talented ełczanom art scholarships for the year 2019.

Scholarships shall be received by persons representing the high artistic level, as a token of appreciation for the achievements, as well as to support the further development of the arts. In the year 2019 President Tomasz Andrukiewicz admitted a total of 14 scholarships for a total of EUR 44 thousand. zł.

Today the scholarships from the hands of President Elk took delivery of two more people:

Esther Ławrukajtis (vocals)-talented singer, student II year Krystyna at the Academy of music. Stanisław Moniuszko in Gdansk.

Edmund Korzeniewski (art)-artist, honed your workshop on the great American universities, participant of many national and international exhibitions.

Congratulations to the Fellows ' and look forward to the presentations of their talents in Ełk County Cultural Center.
