
Author: Magdalena Nowikowska | Publish date: 19 February 2021

XXVII Session of the Elk City Council

19 February 2021, Author: Magdalena Nowikowska

Wednesday 24 February 2021 at 9:00 am in The Hall conference of the Elk City Council will be held the XXVII ordinary session of the City of Elk as a meeting using means of communication at the distance (remote sitting mode). The session will be broadcast live on Internet.

The proposed agenda:

1. Opening a session, finality of the deliberations.

2. Approval of the order deliberations.

3. The report on the activities of the Mayor of Elk for the period between sessions.

4. Adoption of a resolution on the adoption of a health policy programme: "Vaccination against human papillomavirus (HPV) in the city of Elk of girls aged 13 years for 2019 -2023".

5. Adoption of a resolution repealing the resolution on the adoption of a local zoning, called "Ełk – Jeziorna IV".

6. Adoption of a resolution on the adoption of a local zoning plan, known as the "Elk – Lake IV'.

7. Adoption of a resolution on the accession to the development of a local zoning plan called "Elk – Sielska".

8. Adoption of an repeal resolution resolution on the adoption of a local development plan called "Elk - Park III".

9. Adoption of a resolution on the adoption of a local zoning plan, known as the "Elk - Park III".

10. Adoption of a resolution on the adoption of local zoning plan, called "Elk - Centrum".

11. Adoption of a resolution on the determination of the interest rates on the sale of dwellings to tenants.

12. Adoption of a resolution on the consent to the sale of property owned by the Municipality of Elk to the Municipality of Elk Elk, at a price lower than the market value of the property.

13. Adoption of a resolution amending the resolution on the adoption of the elk City action for the reduction of co2 emissions by 2020."

14. Adoption of a resolution on exemption from the fee and reimbursement of part of the fee for the use of sales authorisations alcoholic beverages intended for consumption at the place of sale, due in 2021. (Draft resolution brought by the Club of Councillors Poland 2050)

15. Adoption of a resolution on exemption the use of licences for the sale of alcoholic beverages. (Two variants of the draft resolution brought by the Mayor of the City.)

16. Report on average salaries teachers at different levels of professional promotion in schools by the Local Government Unit for 2020.

17. Position on the course of the S16 road in Bialystok-Elk. (Ko-L Club Councillors Project)

18. Position on abnormally low allocation foreseen in the draft "Partnership Agreements for the implementation of cohesion policy" 2021-2027 in Poland" for the implementation of the Regional Programme of the Warmia and Mazury. (Ko-L Club Councillors Project).

19. Position on the announcement of centralisation Health.

20. Interpellations and inquiries of councillors.

21. Statements and free applications.

22. Conclusion of deliberations.


Sessions of the Elk City Council during the term of office 2018-2023 can be viewed live on the Internet on the

Youtube Elk City Council
