
Author: Vitalii Yermolych | Publish date: 12 September 2022

Survey of the Municipal Program for the Care of City Monuments

12 September 2022, Author: Vitalii Yermolych

The City of Ełk is working on the preparation of the Municipal Program for the Care of Monuments of the City of Ełk for the years 2023-2026. Residents can comment on the draft document by completing an online survey.

In order to maintain a high level of heritage management, the city of Ełk proceeds to prepare the Municipal Program for the Care of Monuments of the City of Ełk for the years 2023-2026. It will be a document indicating the tasks necessary to perform at the Ełk monuments and suggesting ways of their implementation in terms of organization, finance, promotion and protection.

Therefore, it is possible to complete a questionnaire which is one of the ways of public consultation of the project of the Municipal Program for the Care of Monuments of the City of Ełk for the years 2023-2026.
It should take about 5 minutes to complete the survey. Participation in the survey is voluntary and completely anonymous. Each vote cast will have a meaning and will affect the final shape of the created document, and thus the city's policy.

To complete the survey click on the link:
