
From 21 February 2020 | Hour: 18:00 To 22 March 2020 | Hour: 18:00 | Place: Ełckie Centrum Kultury
Exhibition of works by Andrzej Strumiłło
Date: 21-02-2020 - 22-03-2020 | Hour: 18:00
Place: Ełckie Centrum Kultury Show on a map »
Organiser: Ełckie Centrum Kultury
Tickets: wstęp wolny

"We long for the black wings of the anarchy of the golden wings of the rich pink wings of the white swan steel kokot like katanas birds sky taken away stone wings Nike And wings of imagination"
Andrea Strumiłło

The main motif in the artist's paintings in a given series are wings. "Flight is a winged being, a human-like being, close to man. Man's longing for the wings is nothing new, it is old as humanity, it has always accompanied us, these wings sometimes lift us very high, because they even took us to the moon" – Andrzej Strumiłło.

Andrea Strumiłło
Artist painter, photographer, graphic designer and illustrator of books, author of poems and journals, animator of artistic and social life – born. 23 X 1927 in Vilnius
It belongs to the Union of Polish Artists (since 1952) and the Union of Polish Artists of Photographers (since 1978). Since December 2008, he has been patronizing the author's gallery operating in the structure of the District Museum in Suwałki. He has won many state awards for his artistic work and social activities. Since June 2002, he has held the title of Honorary Citizen of the City of Suwałki, awarded "in recognition of the
and popularising achievements and participation in the cultural life of Suwałki.

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