
Author: Joanna Kowalewska | Publish date: 03 May 2023

Elchans celebrate May 3

03 May 2023, Author: Joanna Kowalewska

In We celebrate the anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of May 3. The official celebrations began with the Holy Mass in the Cathedral of St. Adalbert, then there was a march through the streets of the city to the Solidarity Park, where delegations laid flowers at the monument "Fallen for Free and Independent Poland". From At 3 p.m., a family picnic is planned on the square at Pulaskiego Street. Below program of celebrations.

Elchans participate in the city's celebration of the holiday Constitution of May 3. At 12.15 the Holy Mass took place in the Cathedral of St. Wojciech with the musical setting of the "Kontrapunkt" Choir under the leadership of Rafał Sulimy. After the Holy Mass there was a march of the City Brass Band, Company Honorary from Bemów Piski, banner postcards and delegations to the Park Solidarity through the streets of the city: Kosciuszko, Chopin, Małecki. At 1:30 p.m. in front of the monument "Fallen for Free and Independent Poland" ceremonies took place Official.

See Program for the rest of the day:

Hours. 15:00 - 19:00 – family picnic, square at Pulaskiego Street:

·         15:00 concert of the City Brass Orchestra,

·         15:45 performance for children "About the Wawel Dragon" Nemno Theatre,

·16:30 singing Polish songs together with Choir "Pojezierze" and vocal group
"Na Mazurskiej Nutę" under the direction of Kamil Szejda (accordion),

·         17:00 performance of the group "Marzycielki",

·         17:30 performance by " The Diplomates" NATO military from Bemów Piski,

·         18:00 concert "Classics of Polish Song" – Agata Ławrukajtis (vocal), Tymoteusz Lavrukajtis (piano), Jakub Szulc (violin),

·         Handicraft stalls are provided, a zone for children, animations, games, artistic corner and competitions with prizes.

Hours. 18:45 XV Ełk Organ and Chamber Music Concerts - Concert of Małgorzata Trojanowska (soprano) and Sylwester Trojanowski (organ) - Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,

Hours. 19:00 - 21:00 – dance with a DJ – "Polish Hits" - boulevards on the Elk River.
