
Author: admin | Publish date: 23 April 2019

VI Session Of The City Council Of Elk

23 April 2019, Author: admin

On Wednesday April 24, 2019 at 9:00 pm 10:00 in the the Office of the City Conference Elk, there will be a VI ordinary session City Council Ełk

 The proposed Agenda:

1.      Opening of the session, the legitimacy of the proceedings.

2.      Approval of the agenda.

3.      Report on the activities of the Mayor of the city of Elk for the period between the sessions.

4.      Resolution on the revision of the Multiannual Forecasts Ełk financial for the period 2019-2030.

5.      Resolution on amendments to the budget of the city of Elk for the year 2019.

6.      Resolution on the issue of municipal bonds in the year 2019.

7.      Resolution on the establishment of a network plan public kindergartens and pre-school in primary schools carried out by the municipality In Ełk

8.      Resolution on the establishment of a plan for the network of public elementary schools carried out by the municipality In Elk and  determine the bounds of the circuits of the public primary schools.

9.      Resolution amending the resolution on determine the rules for the award, and the size of the reductions in weekly mandatory dimension of the hours of teaching, educational and caring teachers, entrusted management in schools (school groups) kindergartens and educational institutions, the principles of freeing them from the obligation to the implementation of these activities and a weekly mandatory dimension hours teachers not listed in the article. 42 paragraph 1. 3-the teacher's Card.

10. the resolution on the accession to develop local plan Zoning, hereinafter referred to as the "Elk-Centre".

11. the resolution on the accession to the preparation of the local plan land called "Elk-Sikorski, Gdańsk".

12. the resolution on the grant in 2019 year grants for restoration work, charge or works at a monument inscribed in the register of monuments or in the municipal register of monuments, located in the city of The elk.

13. resolution on the list of bathing waters in the area of Elk in 2019 and determination of the bathing season.

14. the resolution on the name urban stadionowi in Elk.

15. the resolution on the refusal to establish residential investment at ul. Kosciuszko on No 539/2.

16. The roll call on the support of the efforts of the municipality of Olecko on modernisation of railway station Masuria in the framework of the Investment Dworcowych 2016-2023.

17. The roll call on the support of efforts individual local authorities of EGO to incorporate in Local and regional Railway Infrastructure completion "Turn +" upgrading an active railway line for a distance of 41 no Elk-Olecko-Gołdap (State border) and its joining of the planned railway line E 75 Ełk-Trakiszki (Rail Baltica).

18. The report of the the activities of the municipal social welfare centre in Elk in the year 2018.

19. The report with public consultation. identify the new features for the building at ul. Army 16 Elk.

20. the evaluation of the social assistance resources of the municipality Of Elk for the year 2018.

21. Parliamentary questions and queries.

22. representations and free applications.

23. The end the deliberations.
