
Author: Vitalii Yermolych | Publish date: 28 September 2022

Local government officials from Georgia visited Ełk

28 September 2022, Author: Vitalii Yermolych

Local government officials from Georgia met with the president of Ełk Tomasz Andrukiewicz today in the Ełk Town Hall. The topic of the meeting was: "Management kindergartens, various aspects of support for kindergartens by the managing body'.

On 27.09 - 01.10 in the City of Ełk are visiting representatives of local governments from Georgia as part of the project "Every child" is important – systemic support for local pre-school education policies".

Heads of education departments came to Polish kindergarten from 8 regions of Georgia. Local government officials during their visit will visit Ełk, Łomża and Warsaw. The group has a total of 11 people.

The purpose of a visit to Poland is to get to know Polish experience of conducting various forms of pre-school education, kindergarten management and various forms of cooperation with parents.

Ełk kindergartens and Ełk kindergartens are involved in the meetings Cultural Centre, Centre for Environmental Education, Historical Museum and other institutions cities. Delegation will visit the given places for  getting to know the Polish education system within the Polish-Georgian Cooperation.
