
Author: Joanna Kowalewska | Publish date: 10 October 2022

Gala of the Jubilee of the 30th Anniversary of the Diocese of Ełk

10 October 2022, Author: Joanna Kowalewska

In 1992, Pope John Paul II created the Diocese of Ełk. With on this occasion on Saturday (8 October) in Ełk The Cultural Centre held the Anniversary Gala, in which participation the clergy of the diocese were led by Bishop Jerzy Mazur, nuns, parliamentarians, president of Ełk Tomasz Andrukiewicz, representatives of local governments and people Secular.

On March 25, 30 years have passed since the establishment of the Diocese of Ełk. It was created by Pope John Paul II with the bull "TOTUS TUUS POLONIAE POPULUS" 1992 from the area excluded from the Diocese Łomża and the Diocese of Warmia. First Bishop of Ełk was the late Bishop Wojciech Ziemba.

8 October in the Ełk Cultural Center took place the Anniversary Gala celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Diocese of Ełk, in which participation priests and nuns of the diocese were taken, headed by Bishop Jerzy Mazurem, parliamentarians, Mayor of Ełk Tomasz Andrukiewicz, representatives of local and local governments located in the area dioceses, as well as lay people.

In During the Gala, the President of Ełk addressed words of thanks and recognition of pastors who have worked for thirty years and they work in our Diocese. "Thank you, Venerable Priests for strengthening faith and deep love in people's hearts God. Thank you for your zealous exercise of your priestly ministry, dedication and care."

The President expressed also gratitude to all who kindness and with zeal they created and create the community of the Ełk Church, and He also wished the Bishop, all the priests of the Diocese Ełk and the whole community, so that it may walk with trust and hope for the Lord and many more great jubilees.

Diocese of Ełk

Holy Father reorganized dioceses and ecclesiastical provinces in Poland: created new dioceses and metropolises, confirmed existing ones, defined the boundaries of all dioceses and their affiliation metropolitan" – reports the decree of the Apostolic Nunciature of 25 March 1992

Deaneries that became part of the newly created Diocese of Ełk: Biała Piska, Gmina Gołdap contains the villages and settlements of Ełk, Filipów, Giżycko, Gołdap, Mikołajki Mazurskie and Olecko. Pisz, Węgorzewo (from the Diocese of Warmia); Augustów-East, Augustów-Zachód, Lipsk, Sejny, Suwałki-Południe, Suwałki-Północ, Rajgród (from the diocese of Łomża).

Patrons: Blessed Virgin Mary Mother of the Church, St. Adalbert the Bishop and Martyr, St. Bruno Boniface Bishop and Martyr

Cathedral: church St. Adalbert in Ełk

Co-cathedrals: the church of the Blessed Virgin Mary Mother of the Church in Gołdap and the church of the Blessed Virgin Mary Mother of the Church in Gołdap. St. Alexander in Suwałki

Chapter Canonical: Ełk Cathedral Chapter, Sambian Chapter Co-Cathedral, Collegiate Chapter of Sejny-Wigier

In structure church border with the Archdiocese of Warmia, the Archdiocese Białystok and the Diocese of Łomża. The largest cities on The area of the Diocese of Ełk is: Suwałki, Ełk, Augustów and Giżycko.

From the grounds Of the Diocese of Ełk there are also blesseds:

Blessed. Marianna Biernacka – Born and baptized in 1888 in Leipzig. Arrested July 1, 1943. She was martyred on 13 July 1943. of the year in Naumowicze near Grodno. Beatified on June 13, 1999 by the Holy Father John Paul II.

Blessed. Sr. Maria Kanizja Eugenia Mackiewicz CSFN – From the Congregation of the Sisters Nazareth. Born on September 27, 1904 in Suwałki. Baptized in the parish of St. Alexander in Suwałki, 24 joined the Order July 1933. She was martyred on 1 August 1943 of the year in Novogrudok. Beatified on March 5, 2000 by the Father Saint John Paul II.

Blessed. Sr. Sergio Julia Rapiej CSFN – From the Congregation of the Sisters of Nazareth. Born August 18, 1900 in the village of Rogożyn (parish leipzig). To the Order she entered on December 25, 1922. She was martyred 1 August 1943 in Novogrudok. Beatified on March 5, 2000 by the Holy Father John Paul II.

