
Author: Vitalii Yermolych | Publish date: 06 April 2023

Local initiatives Elchan

06 April 2023, Author: Vitalii Yermolych

The President of Elk signed the 6 April three agreements under local initiatives. Thanks this time The involvement and cooperation of the local government and residents will be possible to implement further activities in our city. The value of the subsidy is PLN 100,000.

The local initiative is A common tool - residents and local government - solving project a specific problem or satisfying a specific social need.

Ideas or the needs may concern various areas, e.g. small architecture, playgrounds, development of common space, roads, greenery, activities in the field of culture, education, sport, volunteering.

On Thursday (April 6) in The Ełk City Hall has signed further contracts for the implementation of public tasks within the framework of a local initiative:

1.Active Light 2023
City's contribution: 30 000 PLN, contribution of residents: 4 200 PLN, total valuation: 34 200 PLN

2.Learning through play in Niezapominajka
City contribution: 30 000 PLN, contribution of residents: 5 864 PLN, total valuation: 35 864 PLN

3.Sport is health, every fairytale A preschooler will say it
City's contribution: 40 000 PLN, contribution of residents: 5 000 PLN, total valuation: 45 000 PLN

Amount of funding for all of initiatives is PLN 100,000.
