
From 04 November 2021 | Hour: 17:00 To 04 November 2021 | Hour: 19:00 | Place: Centrum Edukacji Ekologicznej w Ełku
Stanisław Łubieński - meeting with authors
Date: 04-11-2021 - 04-11-2021 | Hour: 17:00
Place: Centrum Edukacji Ekologicznej w Ełku
Organiser: Centrum Edukacji Ekologicznej w Ełku
Tickets: bezpłatnie
SPOTKANIE AUTORSKIE Stanisław Łubieński.jpg

Stansław Łubieński - meeting with authors
4 November 2021
5:00 p.m.
Environmental Education Center in Ełk
Stanisław Łubieński has been running the blog "Dzika Ochota" for many years. He is a popularizer of nature, an ornithologist and the author of books, the latter of which about garbage received the main prize in the Planet Izabelin 2021 competition and was nominated for the "Nike" Literary Award 2021.
"A book about garbage"
This time, Stanisław Łubieński's interests were targeted by rubbish. From wild dumps in every Polish forest and littered roadside ditches to apocalyptic images of Asian beaches that flood tons of waste. Plastic bottles, strings from the snooze, rubble from the construction site or confetti from cigarette butts around the stops. "Garbage is everywhere. So much so everywhere that we stop noticing them."

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